Bridal Bouquet - Classic White Pave Style Bride's Floral Bouquet


Bride's Bouquet Classic White Pave Style - Hand-tied bouquet Our Classic White Pave Bouquet is pictured featuring white hydrangea, white roses, white ranunculus, and snowflake spray roses.  Note: We ask our wedding & event

Bride's Bouquet Classic White Pave Style - Hand-tied bouquet
Our Classic White Pave Bouquet is pictured featuring white hydrangea, white roses, white ranunculus, and snowflake spray roses. 

We ask our wedding & event customers to place orders 5 days prior to delivery.  This time allows your designer the opportunity to source, prep and condition each variety for better color and show on the day of your special event.  

When to Deliver Event Flowers
Your event bouquet will be delivered in a water source to guarantee freshness. Bouquets may be kept in their water source for 24 hours in a cool room or refrigerator.  Never place flowers in a freezer.

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$ 122.50USD
Score 5(292)
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