A New Tradition for the Bouquet and Garter Toss


While the bouquet and garter toss can be fun for some people, it can be less fun for others. Here is a great alternative that is sure to be a hit!
Off The Chart Entertainment is a full-scale professional event production & DJ company. Weddings, Corporate events, Sweet Sixteens, Mitzvahs & Parties. Serving New Jersey.

The 2 Best Times to Do The Bouquet and Garter Toss.


Unveiling the Wedding Garter Tradition

I'm a wedding expert - popular trends like throwing the bouquet are disappearing but new traditions are being introduced

Quick Tip: How to Get Great Bouquet/Garter Toss Pics — Willow's World Photo

7 Wedding Bouquet Toss Alternatives, In Case You're Looking To Break Away From Tradition

Wedding Superstition #7: Tossing Bouquets and Garters!

Wedding Traditions to Consider

A New Tradition for the Bouquet and Garter Toss

$ 23.50USD
Score 4.7(443)
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